Retreat Things To Know
Event : 5-Day Year-End Begin Anew Retreat
Date & Time : 12/28/2024 (Sat) 6:30pm – 1/1/2025 (Wed) 2:30pm
Address : Dharma Drum Vancouver Centre, 8240 No. 5 Road, Richmond BC
Check-in Time: 12/28/2024 (Sat) 5pm – 6pm (Anyone arriving late on the first day of the retreat without prior permission will not be allowed to participate)
To maintain an environment conducive to meditation practice, it is essential that all participants carefully read and follow the information below.
- Be punctual and participate in all scheduled activities wholeheartedly.
- Follow all instructions given by the retreat teacher and supervisor.
- Stay on the Centre premises throughout the entire retreat.
- Observe noble silence throughout the retreat, except when you are given permission to speak. If you have any requests or when communication is necessary, short notes may be written and passed to the retreat supervisor.
- Do not communicate with the outside world during the retreat. Phone calls, texting, e-mails, having visitors, listening to music, and reading books/e-books are NOT allowed. Upon check-in, you will be asked to turn in your cell phone, which you may pick up at the end of the retreat at the reception desk.
- In case of any family emergency, a message can be left at our reception desk, and it will be routed to you via the retreat supervisor. The Centre’s telephone number is 1-604-277-1357.
- You will sleep on the wooden floor and share a room with other participants. Sleeping pad and a clean sheet will be provided. Please bring your own pillow, sleeping bag or single inflatable mat.
- Dormitories/rooms are separated by gender. Participants will share communal bathrooms in both the male and female dormitories.
Things to Bring
- Pack as simply as possible.
- Bring enough clothing for the duration of the retreat, as washing clothes is not allowed. There will be outdoor walking if weather permits, so bring clothing that is appropriate for the season in Vancouver.
- Toiletry items (razor, shaving cream, lotion, shower caps, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, bath towels, etc.), personal medications, an umbrella and/or rainwear, pillow, sleeping bag or single inflatable mat, earplugs. Do not bring valuables to the retreat. Hair dryers will be provided.
- To promote environmental conservation, please bring your own flask or cups.
What to Wear
- Wear loose and comfortable clothing in neutral colors suitable for meditation. Do not wear shorts, sleeveless tops, or clothes that make rustling sounds.
- Wear comfortable footwear. Footwear must be removed each time you enter a building, so you may want to consider wearing shoes that are easy to put on and take off.
- Do not use cosmetics, perfumes, or colognes.
- All meals served at the Centre are vegetarian. Breakfast, lunch, and supper will be served in the dining hall. No food or beverages other than those provided should be consumed during the retreat. It is a retreat protocol that no food be consumed outside the dining hall and scheduled mealtimes.
- There are hot-and-cold water stations outside the Chan Hall, in the dining hall, and in the dormitories.
Health & Safety
- To safeguard our participants, we request that you do a COVID-19 antigen test at home on the day of your arrival. If your test is positive, please stay home and inform us immediately.
- You are fully responsible for any medical expenses incurred during the retreat and should carry appropriate insurance covering such expenses.
- Our Centre is a smoke-free environment; smoking is not allowed during the retreat.
- All participants are responsible for their transportation to the Centre. Maps and directions to the Centre by public transit or vehicle are available at https://www.ddmba.ca/ddmba/contact_us.php?lang=en&ajax_page=lbtn_ddmvan&id=. The estimated driving time from downtown Vancouver to the Centre is about 30 minutes, or you may take bus No. 405 to the Centre.
Photography Consent
- Photos taken during the retreat may be used for the Centre’s website, newsletter, and social media. By participating in the retreat, you give your consent for the use of your images for the above-mentioned purposes.
Cancellation Policy
- Any cancellation received 7 days prior to the start of the retreat will receive a full refund. We regret that we are unable to refund any cancellation received less than 7 days prior to the start of the retreat. If you must withdraw your participation due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify the Centre as soon as possible.
活動名稱 : 跨年禪五
日期和時間 : 2024年12月28日(週六)下午6点30分 – 2025年1月1日(週三)下午2点 30分
地址 : 法鼓山溫哥華道場,8240 No. 5 Road, Richmond BC
報到時間 : 2024年12月28日(週六)下午5点 – 6点 (未經允許首日遲到者將被取消參加資格)
- 準時並全心投入參與所有安排的活動。
- 遵守禪七指導老師和總護的所有指示。
- 全程留在道場境内。
- 除非得到允許, 否則全程禁語。若有必要溝通時,可以寫便條交給總護。
- 禪期間不得與外界聯絡。不允許接打電話、發短信、發電子郵件、接待訪客、聽音樂、閱讀書籍/電子書。報到時將收取個人手機代為保管,禪期結束後可在接待處領回。
- 若有緊急事件,家人可在接待處留言,總護會視情況轉告禪眾。道場的電話號碼是1-604-277-1357。
- 您將睡在木質地板上,並與其他禪眾共用房間。道場將提供薄睡墊和乾淨的睡墊套,請自帶枕頭、睡袋或單人充氣墊。
- 宿舍/房間和公用浴室按男女分設。
- 攜帶足夠的衣物,禪期間不允許洗衣服。若氣候許可,將有戶外經行,請帶適合溫哥華當季的衣物。
- 盥洗用品(剃刀、剃須膏、乳液、浴帽、肥皂、洗髮水、牙刷、牙膏、浴巾等)、個人藥物、雨傘和/或雨具、枕頭、睡袋或單人充氣墊、耳塞。不要攜帶貴重物品。浴室内備有吹風機。
- 為了促進環保,請自帶水壺或環保杯。
- 穿著適合禪修,寬鬆舒適,顏色樸素的衣物。請勿穿著短褲和無袖上衣及會發出沙沙聲的衣服。
- 穿舒適的鞋子。由於進入室內需脫鞋,您可考慮穿脫方便的鞋子。
- 不使用化妝品、香水或古龍水。
- 所有餐點均為素食。三餐一律於五觀堂進行,請勿在五觀堂和預定用餐時間以外進食,亦勿自行攜帶任何食物或飲料。
- 禪堂外、五觀堂和宿舍内設有冷熱飲水區。
- 為了維護禪眾們的健康,請您在抵達道場當天在家中進行一次 COVID-19抗原檢測 。如果您的檢測結果呈陽性,請留在家中並立即通知我們。
- 19.禪期間,若因故需要醫療服務,禪眾需自行承擔費用,故請事先備妥必要的保險。
- 道場內禁止吸煙。
- 所有禪眾需自行前往道場。請參考網站https://www.ddmba.ca/ddmba/contact_us.php?lang=en&ajax_page=lbtn_ddmvan&id=了解公共交通或自駕車的地圖和路線。從溫哥華市中心駕車至道場約30分鐘,或可搭乘公共汽車405號至道場。
- 禪期間所拍攝的照片可能會用於道場網站、通訊和社交媒體。參加此次禪修活動即表示您同意使用您的照片作上述用途。
- 若在禪修活動開始前超過7天取消參加,將獲得全額退款。很抱歉,我們無法對禪修活動開始前7天內的任何取消進行退款。如因特殊情況無法參加,請儘早通知道場。